The Experience of Studying in the USA
The US is very large and you’ll find a whole spectrum of attitudes, people, climates and cultures. There is so much to take in – in fact, most Americans don’t leave their own state in their lifetime! America is a complicated nation due to its size and diversity of opinions, but this makes studying and living there a constant discovery. “The American Dream” is an ideal that in the US, anyone can start off with very little, and through hard work, can elevate themselves in society. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey and Jay Z are some real-life embodiments of this “Dream”. However, you don’t have to be a superstar celebrity to achieve this dream; as an international student, you can too! Many students come to the US on their own, sometimes through scholarships, with aspirations to be educated, start their career, settle down and change their (and their family’s) lives. Home to diverse ethnicities, highest number of top ranked universities, and picturesque landscapes, the USA is truly a land of opportunities. Choosing to study in the USA offers you the wonderful avenue of growing academically, culturally and socially.
Education System in the US
Education systems do vary from one country to another. Differences can include how academic years are structured, how much tuition fee are and even the names for things – some are vital to know, while others will save you from moments of confusion. ‘University’ is usually referred to as ‘college’ and even ‘school’, while ‘going to class’ also includes lectures and other course commitments.
Study Level
Associate’s degree
Last 2 years in community college
You can transfer to study bachelor’s degree for another two years.
Undergraduate (bachelor’s degree)
Last 4 years
Graduate (master’s degree)
Last 2 years
Graduate (doctoral degree)
It Varies 4 – 6 years based on the program!
*For more information, please speak to our EduFlyHigh Admission Counselor (EAC) for more information.
Know all about intakes available in the USA
Fall Term
From August to December
Spring Term
From January to April
Summer Term
From May to August
*Intakes vary based on university and program, please speak to our EduFlyHigh Admission Counselor (EAC) for more information.
How much does it cost to study in the US?
Course fees will vary depending on the study level, course, and university; Medical and Law degrees are normally substantially more expensive, while the higher-ranking universities will have higher fees too. Always confirm course fees with the university you are interested in applying to. However, for a rough guide, undergraduate fees are around $22,000-$28,000 per year, while graduate fees are around $28,000-$38,000 per year.
Tuition fees in USD (indicative)
English language studies
$700 to $2,000 a month
Community colleges
$6,000 to $20,000 per year
Undergraduate (bachelor’s degree)
$20,000 to $40,000 per year
Graduate (master’s degree)
$20,000 to $45,000 per year
Doctoral degree
$28,000 to $55,000 per year